New Microsoft windows 10 desktop and Server

Microsoft has annonced Windows 10 for desktop and server also. So what do you think about this new OS, most of us will be happy with the introduction of a new start menu but i think this is more than that. What i execpt from Microsoft is an cloud enable OS and that what Microsoft is trying to deliver with this version a new step to the cloud.
We can see that one note app and one drive is already there for client part, now i will expect to get my own onedrive server inside the server edition and even a onenote server to share and collaborate around onenote.
What i have seen in server side is a great improvement for SDN solutions and support, Storage replication and a new better RDP that support open GL and open CL. Microsoft will offer also a new identity management feature. This last point is very important when you try to interconnect your private cloud to the external.

We also get a new powershell in version 5.

many good articles are also available


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