VMware Recertification Policy

Hello everyone

It s been a while since i write down some few line but a lot of changes happens to me,  a big new job.

But today i want to focus about recertification policy, i have a linkedin account that have publish last week the new recertification policy from VMware and guess what. I have never seen so much comment on one news. Most of people agree with recertification policy i think but 2 years it is very short specialy if you take a look to vsphere 5, 3 years old. For poor contry recertifying is a huge amount of money. So VMware may have to update or correct is new policy add one extra year and  / or make a cheap recert exam online for example  (i did'nt tell easy just cheap) and most of people will be happy.

if you want to tell vmware your fellings you can send an email to certification@vmware.com or education@vmware.com

Here is the link to this new policy:

recertification policy


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