Cisco live 2013 in Orlando... I do love Cisco solutions, especially UCS, i wish to have some new versions of blade with more power Inside and a 12U chassis enclosure will be also nice. So what do we have in live 2013. First it is in Florida, it will be hot One common subject BYOD, especially network security around BYOD, it s normal it s Cisco.... UCS automation one very good track for those who use UCS and vcenter and did not take the step blade as a service. A lot of best practice with UCS, on Microsoft VMware oracle and vdi Platform. Other point SDN (Software Defined Networking ), some best practice, new features and architecture how to use it. few cloud sessions also some about security other about architecture... a new certification track for CCNA is now began, you can still pass CCNA V1 until september after go to v2, same for CCNT.. For the closing keynote we will get sir Richard Branson... i wish i ll give some tickets for Virgin galatics flights... lol ...